I have always struggled with my weight, like many women, after having kids, being a busy wife, mom, and business owner. For me, I needed something simple, easy and most importantly, healthy and fast!
In 2011, I found out that a brain tumor that I had been diagnosed with in my 20's, had returned. It is non- cancerous, but there none the less, and I had to go back on medication once again. The thought of that was daunting! The treatment for my diagnosis was the same as it was 10 years ago, believe it or not, no new medications or protocol had come out since the last time,so, I went back to taking the same ones as before. Feeling bad, still overweight and even less motivated now to work out, I knew something had to change.
I was still running a thriving Sunless Tanning Business, trying to keep up with my 2 little boys, be a good wife and mom and business owner. I was still unhappy about my weight, and that was adding to my stress. I reached out to my friend Jenny Lynn, who is a 2X Arnold Classic winner, and Ms. Figure/Fitness Olympia. She told me I absolutely HAD to get on the Body By VI 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge. I had never hear of it, but figured I had nothing to lose! I researched the Company, Visalus, and was 100% on board!
That was only 1 month ago! I cant tell how much BETTER I feel, no words would do it justice! I am simply replacing 2 meals a day with my shakes (that are absolutely YUMMY by the way), eating healthy snacks, and a well balanced dinner. I have lost 12 lbs in 4 weeks and feel AMAZING!
Over 100,000+ people joined the Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge just last month alone!! The Body By Vi Challenge is the #1 Fastest growing health challenge AND #1 Home based Business in North America alone!
Its SO simple, easy and SO good for you! I want everyone who feels defeated by weight loss, has a goal to get healthy, just wants to FEEL BETTER (like I did) or wants to make a change to know about this Challenge! It's 90 Days, that's it, and can transform your whole body, inside and out!
It's time to get Healthy, no more excuses! We are all in this together and I want to help! :)