Wow...been WAY to long since I updated my blog, and A LOT has happened! I completed my first "official" 90 day Body By Vi Challenge and lost 30 pounds!!!! Updated picts are coming soon, but for now, here are the progress pictures I took at day 61 of 90!
I am getting ready to start my 2nd 90 day Challenge and am LOVING how I am now Challenging my life 90 days at a time! It's such a refreshing way to live, always having a goal, reaching and striving for something, then feeling like you accomplished it!
I have a couple things in mind for my next 90 days, one being to update my blog AT-LEAST 3 times a week! It helps me stay on track and document what is going on and the things I am accomplishing! My life is SO fast paced right now, it's good to take a moment and "journal!"
Another goal is to loose 25 more pounds! I have been boxing about 5 x's a week and am addicted! I used to box about 5 years ago, and loved it why oh why did I wait SO long to get back in to it again! Its WHOOPING my butt in to shape so fast!